What transmission oil to use? - preparations for the regeneration of the engine, gearbox and other mechanisms

What transmission oil to use?

One of the most common gearbox negligence is driving with overworked transmission oil or with a small amount of it. If you make sure that the oil is of good quality and adapted to the car model, you should not be in danger of repairing the gearbox. If you neglect this obligation, you expose the entire transmission mechanism to failure, and above all – synchronizers. Sometimes the wrong transmission oil can do even more damage than abrupt gear changes, so be on your guard.

gearbox oil


The quality of the oil is best evidenced by its viscosity

First of all, pay attention to the viscosity of the transmission oil. It is on this feature that the proper protection of the teeth of the gear wheels against wear depends – the oil creates a strong oil film on them, which makes their work smoother.

Over time, however, the viscosity of the oil decreases and there is a risk that the oil will stop separating the metal elements that work together with the oil film. As a result of oxidation, there is a loss of lubricating properties by the oil and excessive friction of metal elements. This significantly shortens the life of the entire gearbox. A well-chosen oil not only lubricates the essential components of the transmission, but also warms up the components and soothes the impact of the gears, and most importantly, protects against corrosion. The only option in case of rust is to replace the gearbox, which can cost you even more than 2500 zł.

Which transmission oil to choose?

If you drive a car with an automatic transmission, you must remember that it is more delicate than a manual transmission – for it, the viscosity of the oil and all its impurities are of great importance. In turn, manual transmissions are more often subject to mechanical damage. There is no universal oil for these transmissions, although those of API Gl-4 and GL-5 classes are usually used.

When considering the choice between mineral and synthetic oil, it must be remembered that with a leaky gearbox, we do not use synthetic oil, because it may lead to its further unsealing. However, if you do not have such a problem, and the repair of the gearbox is what you want to avoid at all costs, opt for synthetics. It is more expensive, but it ages more slowly than mineral. In practice, this means that it does not lose its properties so quickly, has better viscosity parameters and tolerates temperature changes better.

What how much to change the oil

The transmission oil needs to be changed as often as the manufacturer advises. However, if you do not have a manual for your car or it says that it does not require changing the transmission oil, it is still worth taking an interest in this issue. Regardless of how old your car is and how much it is used, you should have your transmission oil reviewed.

Usually, the first replacement is recommended after 60-100 thousand. km, while each subsequent one should be planned even earlier – for example, 40-60 thousand each. Miles. Cars more exposed to longer routes or intensively used should be inspected more often. The oil change itself can be done by yourself – then you only pay for the cost of the oil. If, in turn, you decide to replace with a mechanic, you can pay from about PLN 50 to PLN 150.

At a disadvantage, when you start to hear crunches and feel resistance when changing gears, certainly your equipment will not be harmed by the addition of oil to the gearbox. The specifics available on the market are adapted not only to support the engine, but also extend the durability of the transmission mechanisms.

Gearbox regeneration at a good price

If you are wondering which oelju addition to manual transmissions will be the best, with a clear conscience you can reach for Ceramizer for CB gearbox. However, is it worth investing money in it? The answer is definitely yes. It affects not only the volume of the gearbox by eliminating grinding, vibration and noise, but also protects rubbing surfaces during their intensive use.

How long does it take to regenerate the gearbox carried out with the help of Ceramizer? The first effects can be seen after driving 500 – 1500 km. This type of gearbox regenerator protects it against wear and tear for approx. 100 thousand km, and as a result, you can even avoid expensive repairs.

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