Benefits of using Ceramizer® CS internal combustion engine oil additive:
- Reduces fuel consumption by 3 to 15%.
- Reduces engine oil consumption.
- Increases and equalizes the compression pressure in the cylinders.
- Reduces the so-called. “smoke” of the engine.
- It eliminates dry losses and facilitates start-up (especially in winter).
- It silences the work of the engine, reduces vibration.
- Increases engine efficiency and vehicle dynamics.
- Regenerates friction surfaces during operation, without dismantling the machined assembly. Effective durability of the rebuilt surface for about 70,000 km of mileage.
- Increases the durability of metal friction surfaces by up to 5 times.
- It replaces repairs in most cases, reducing repair costs many times compared to traditional overhaul.
- Low coefficient of friction below 0.02 i.e. 10 times less than at the “steel-steel” contact.
- Extends by min. 50% mileage between engine oil changes.
- In the event of an emergency oil leak, the ceramic-metal layer created makes it possible to continue driving even more than 500 km (proof of this is the oil-free driving test).
- It protects components against corrosion and aggressive chemicals (important if the engine oil used, the fuel may be of poor quality).
- Reduces emissions of toxic exhaust components.
- Reduces the danger of piston ring locking.
- It hardens and increases the wear resistance of rubbing surfaces, up to 10 times. Microhardness – 4000-4500 MPa (400 – 450 kG/mm 2 ) (for comparison, the microhardness of steel is on average 60 kG/mm 2 ). Compressive strength: 2500 MPa (250 kg/mm 2 ).
- Protects the environment.
- The preparation can be used for any equipment (including industrial) after prior consultation with the manufacturer of Ceramizers®.
Benefits of using the oil additive for gearboxes, transmissions, Ceramizer® CB bridges:
- It facilitates gear changes, regenerates worn synchronizers.
- Silences the work of the gearbox, rear bridges, transmissions, reducers.
- Reduces vibration and noise, eliminates grinding when changing gears.
- It repeatedly extends the durability of the mechanisms, up to 5 times.
- Regenerates and protects friction surfaces during operation and without dismantling the machined assembly by creating a ceramic-metal layer filling, covering and leveling scratches, defects and grooves.
- Effective durability of the rebuilt surface for about 100,000 km of mileage.
- The effect of the rebuilt surface also remains after subsequent oil changes (at least per 100,000 km of car mileage).
- It replaces repairs in most cases, reducing repair costs many times compared to traditional overhaul.
- It contributes to increasing the reliability and efficiency of the mechanism, thus increasing safety in extreme operating conditions.
- It hardens and increases the wear resistance of rubbing surfaces, up to 10 times. Microhardness – 4000-4500 MPa (400 – 450 kG/mm2) (for comparison, the microhardness of steel is on average 60 kG/mm2). Compressive strength: 2500 MPa (250 kgf/mm2).
- Reduces heat generation between rubbing metal parts.
- In conditions of insufficient lubrication (e.g. in case of oil leakage), the created layer allows temporarily further operation of the device without its destruction.
- In the event of an emergency oil leak, the ceramic-metal layer created allows you to continue driving (even more than 500 km).
- Extends oil drain intervals, reducing oil wear.
- Protects components against corrosion and aggressive substances
- chemical (important when using inferior quality oils).
- Protects the environment.
- Measurably reduces the cost of future device repairs.
- Stops and prevents pitting.
- The preparation can be used for any equipment (including industrial) after prior consultation with the manufacturer of Ceramizers®.
Note: Do not apply to automatic transmissions.
Benefits of using Ceramizer® CK hydraulic power steering:
- Regenerates and protects friction surfaces during operation, without dismantling the workpiece.
- Effective durability of the rebuilt surface for about 100,000 km of mileage.
- It keeps new and used devices in the best possible condition.
- Prevents rust and corrosion.
- Stops and prevents pitting.
- It ensures smooth and quiet operation of the power steering system in all conditions.
- It replaces repairs in most cases, reducing costs many times compared to traditional renovation.
- It reduces the coefficient of friction (up to 0.02, i.e. 10 times less than at the “steel-steel” contact), thus reducing heat generation between rubbing metal parts.
- It contributes to increasing the reliability and efficiency of the mechanism.
- Microhardness 4000-4500 MPa (400 450 kg/mm2) (for comparison, the microhardness of steel is on average 60 kg / mm2).
- Protects the environment.
- The preparation can be used for any equipment (including industrial) after prior consultation with the manufacturer of Ceramizers®.
Benefits of using the Ceramizer® CP fuel refiner:
- Extends the life of the fuel supply system.
- Reduces friction and wear on frictional parts in the fuel supply system.
- Reduces fuel consumption by 2 – 4%.
- It causes an increase in engine power by 1 – 3%.
- Facilitates cold starting, especially at low temperatures.
- Reduces the emission of harmful substances CO – up to 50%, CO2 – up to 10%, NOx, HC in exhaust gases.
- Reduces noise and smoke.
- Keeps the power supply system clean.
- Removes carbon deposits from the combustion chamber.
- Prevents the formation of deposits and carbon deposits in the combustion chamber (also on valve plugs and spray tips).
- Supports the unlocking of injectors and piston rings.
- Increases the reliability and durability of vehicles.
- It reduces the effects of using lower quality fuels.
- It promotes more accurate (catalytic) fuel combustion.
- Ensures proper and even operation of the engine.
- Protects the environment.
- It is not harmful to the operation and durability of catalysts.
- Suitable for all types of gasoline and diesel.
- The preparation can be used for any equipment (including industrial) after prior consultation with the manufacturer of Ceramizers®.
Engine regeneration
Regeneration using Ceramizer® consists in restoring the nominal size and proper geometry of the mating surfaces in mechanisms where friction occurs, through the growth of a ceramic-metal layer with unique properties.
Regeneration is carried out without dismantling the devices, during their normal operation, it is enough to add the preparation to the oil (in the engine, gearbox, power steering system) or to the fuel (in the case of a fuel refiner). Thermodynamic processes occurring on rubbing surfaces cause the accumulation of the ceramic-metal layer in all places, especially in worn (worn) places.

The build-up gradually stabilizes with the decrease in the coefficient of friction, which leads to self-optimization of the gaps of the rubbing parts and after reaching the nominal values, it stops rebuilding the surfaces in an almost perfect way.
This means that in more worn (worn) places and where there were scratches, a thicker layer will be rebuilt than in less worn places, which in turn leads to the restoration of the desired geometry of rubbing details. In order to increase friction for the first 200 km of driving with the preparation, do not exceed 2700 rpm. The process of building a ceramic layer takes 1.5 thousand. km or 25 operating hours.

Ceramizer molecules® are characterized by a high degree of connection with the metal, they transfer metal molecules (selective transfer) to worn places where there is an increased temperature caused by friction and diffuse there. In these places, the combined particles of metal and Ceramizer® (diffusing), rebuild the surfaces to form a ceramic-metal layer.
As a result of Ceramizer diffusion® with a metal surface, the structure of the crystal lattice of the metal is improved, thereby hardening and filling the top layer (a durable inseparable ceramic-metal protective layer is formed). The process of layer formation is called ceramization. This layer fills, covers and evens out microdefects and deformations of the surfaces subjected to friction.
The ceramizer® oil additive uses the following phenomena:
- Ceramization of metal surfaces which consists in the formation of a ceramic-metal layer on metal friction surfaces, in parts of machines and devices, during their normal operation. By increasingly creating a ceramic-metal layer, Ceramizer® regenerates and rebuilds rubbing metal surfaces, permanently integrating with the metal at the molecular level. The ceramic-metal layer produced is hard, durable, has a low coefficient of friction, perfectly dissipates heat and is resistant to high temperatures and mechanical loads. This layer fills, covers and evens out the microdefects and deformations of the surface of the rubbing details. As a result of the high local temperature (over 900 oC), formed in places of local friction, Ceramizer® “melts”. “Molten” Ceramizer molecules® , are characterized by a high degree of adhesion (bonding) with the metal, transfer metal particles contained in the oil or grease to worn places (selective transfer), where there is an increased temperature, caused by friction, and diffuse there. In these places, the combined particles of metal and Ceramizer® (diffusing), rebuild the surfaces, forming a ceramic-metal layer. As a result of Ceramizer diffusion® with a metal surface, the structure of the crystalline mesh of the metal is improved and thus the top layer hardens and fills (a durable inseparable ceramic-metal protective layer is formed). Thermodynamic processes taking place on rubbing surfaces cause the accumulation of the ceramic-metal layer in all places, especially in worn (worn) places. The build-up gradually stabilizes with the decrease in the coefficient of friction, which leads to self-optimization of the gaps of rubbing details. When the nominal values are reached, the build-up of the layer stops, rebuilding the surfaces in an almost perfect way. The lasting effect of ceramization in internal combustion engines is maintained after subsequent oil changes up to at least 70,000 km of mileage, and in the case of gearboxes up to 100,000 km of mileage.
- So-called. oil magnetization – thanks to GP technology, oil particles adhere tightly to the surface of metals, thus improving lubrication and heat dissipation from their surfaces. The process of oil magnetization persists until the next oil change, because with the change we get rid of magnetized oil molecules.
- Selective transfer – free metal molecules contained in oil or grease are transferred into friction nodes and complement the crystal lattice of the rebuilt metal surface. This process under theoretical conditions (without oil change) leads to wear-free wear of the rubbing surfaces of the details. Assuming that we do not have to change the oil, as a result of the selective transfer process, we would have to deal with 100% wear-free rubbing surfaces. Unfortunately, the oil is subject to wear, so we have to periodically replace it, thus getting rid of the remnants of Ceramizer molecules® and the selective transfer process disappears. In addition, ceramization technology uses the phenomenon of plating.
Ceramisers® do not contain Teflon, lead, molybdenum, do not clog oil filters or oil channels, because Ceramizer particles are smaller than the pores of the filter.® Ceramizer particles® are up to 2 microns in size and the engine oil filter gaps are more than 5 micrometers in size. In addition, the ceramic-metal layer is formed only in places of friction of the metal against the metal, so the formation of a layer in oil channels or oil filters is excluded.
Ceramizer® is not an oil thickener, nor is it. “motodoctor”, one dose of® Ceramizer is 4 g. The product does not eliminate the “oil intake” through valve sealants, because unlike the piston cylinder steam, there is no friction of metal against metal.
The ceramic-metal layers produced remain effective and durable for about 70,000 km of mileage or 6,000 mth. After this course, it is recommended to reapply Ceramizer®.
We will be happy to answer all your questions:
phone: 22 498 0908
Before asking a question, please read the frequently asked questions.
The manufacturer has the exclusive right to produce and sell Ceramizers® in Poland.