Reviews on Ceramizer® car owners Renault - preparations for the regeneration of the engine, gearbox and other mechanisms

Reviews on Ceramizer® car owners Renault

Renault 19 1.7 (1991)

Hi, some time ago I bought ceramizer, my car is Renault 19 91r. engine 1.7 injection multi-point LPG, unfortunately the car took a lot of oil “more or less” 300ml per 1000km, sealants were replaced, but the oil disappeared from the engine anyway, although not in such quantities as before the replacement but still, so I used an additional ceramizer after doing over 5000km. I can say that so far I have not added anything so. I’m happy 😀 and I hope that until the oil change I will not have to add anything. In addition, the dynamics of the car increased and gas consumption decreased by about 0.5 liters per 100km,
Best regards
Maria Lesniak

Renault 19 (1994)

I bought 1 preparation – an additive to engine oil. My car – Renault 19 year 1994, mileage 275 thousand. km – for its age showed not the worst fuel consumption – 7.8 liters of unleaded gasoline 95. Quite by chance, I came across an allegro advertisement related to ceramizers and decided to take a chance. The expense is not very great, and the promised effects are very encouraging – I bought. After the first few hundred kilometers, the engine began to work evenly and quietly. Over time, I noticed reduced fuel consumption – currently on the route it burns 5.7 liters when driving economically and in the mountains!!! at full load (about 400kg), the current mileage of the car is 290 thousand. Miles. The engine fires the first time even in winter at 20th frost. If the tooth of time hadn’t marked some sheet metal, I would have said a new car. I am very pleased with this – your advertisement is supported by facts. I am going to buy ceramizer for my new acquisition – VW Transporter 2.4D. I wish you an increase in sales. I myself tell about ceramizer to neighbors and friends. Congratulations on a brilliant idea.
Best regards
Miroslaw Gadomski

Renault 19 (1995)

Hello, I bought ceramizer some 2 months ago, at the auction in allegro (my nik: roman1s) After applying the dose, and after driving about 250 km only you could notice some effects. Whether the effects are effective, it is difficult for me to say, because I was not at the diagnostic station and I did not check it, but what could be noticed is above all: * The engine is a little quieter, especially when firing and at slow speed, I have a Renault 19 from 95 and it was noticeable, less vibrations above all * Minimal reduction in fuel consumption by about 5-9% * I rarely supplement oil losses now, sealed the engine *Minimal increase in engine power and dynamics. *A little better acceleration *Less smoke The date of observation is 12-26/04/2006 made by me personally.
Roman Siwek

Renault 19

Up to 1200 km after pouring the ceramizer nothing happened and I even thought about exposing the negative. But then: he got a good power, almost 1.5 liters less gas per 100 km and the compression pressure increased by approx. 2.5 atm on each cyl. (R19, 215000km)

Renault Clio 1.2 (55 hp) 1992 year

After positive experiences with Ceramizers in Opel Astra, I tried them in Clio with a 170 thousand engine. Miles. What I wanted the most was to improve the functioning of the gearbox. Before applying the preparation, the heated chest walked lightly and precisely. Problems occurred with a cold engine. When shifting gear 1 and reverse, a crunch was heard, such as when shifting in gear without a clutch. The oil level in the box IS OK. I was afraid that without a visit to the mechanic and laying out a few hundred could not do. But I didn’t have much to lose to apply Ceramizer to the gearbox. Amazing! The grinds disappeared after about 50km and now with a cold engine there is no grinding in the gearbox and the gears go as with a warmed engine. In the same car, I also added Ceramizer to the engine, but it is difficult for me to describe what the effect is, because I do not drive this car every day, and the person who drives it (fiancée) noticed only a significant improvement in the gearbox. I tested the ceramizer for the engine on astra and it is sensational.
Regards Adam Gromadzki
Opinion sent on 06.02.2008

Renault Clio

Year of Build: 1995
Engine capacity: 1200 cm3
Mileage: 280 000 km
Renault Clio
Hello, I used Ceramizer at home, about a year ago and I am mega satisfied.
I had a problem with compression on one of the cylinders, exactly on the 4.
After application, there was no miraculous self-repair, but the pressure equalized on all cylinders to the same level, which was a big surprise 🙂
Regards Patrick
Opinion submitted on: 2015-02-23

Renault Escape 2.1 TDI

I did 1500km. Renault Espace 2.1 TDI. Mileage 300 000 km. The engine and, above all, the gearbox work quieter. You can feel some improvement in acceleration (this is confirmed by my measurements). So it works and it’s not a fake! So I RECOMMEND!!

Renault Escape III 2.2 dT (1998)

I would like to share with you my opinion about ceramizer “for the engine”. However, before I start, I would like to point out that before making the purchase, I reviewed all possible opinion-forming places, tkj. Internet forums. Opinions are very different, but in general everyone who used is satisfied. Negative opinions come primarily from people who have not used the preparation and criticize mainly for the principle. I understand them a little because among mechanics and people associated with car mechanics on a daily basis (and among such I often “rotate”) teflon-based additives have a very bad opinion. There are also people who have not felt any improvement, but there are very few of them. By far the most positive opinions are among people who have used the preparation in the gearbox.
So I decided to test it myself. I applied the preparation to the engine of my second car, which is Renault Espace III 2.2 dT from 1998 with a mileage of 206 thousand. Miles. Before adding ceramizer, I did not measure the compression. Since I bought the car as a used one with a mileage of 188,000 km, I am also not able to say how the new copy works. At the time of application, the car was not mechanically damaged, it accelerated as it accelerated, in general nothing bad happened to it. Well, maybe except for the delicate and rare knocks when starting from too slow revolutions characteristic of slightly worn connecting rod shells.
After driving about 30 km, it began to seem to me that the engine is as if quieter – but it could have been so-called. autosuggestion – so I did not fall into excessive euphoria. During the “running-in” I tried to follow the manufacturer’s recommendation, i.e. not to exceed the speed of 60 km / h (the car is not equipped with a tachometer). I did not succeed so very often I exceeded 80 km / h. The engine was “run-in” in urban conditions.
Currently, I have driven about 400 km on ceramizer. The engine runs extremely quietly and it is not just an autosuggestion because inside it is practically inaudible. Acceleration has definitely improved. At the moment I do not have to reduce the gear to effectively accelerate. This effect can be compared to stopping driving with a slightly applied handbrake or a completely clogged air filter. Of the additional positive effects that I observed, it was a very correct start (but it was not difficult before) and the lack of soot coming out of the exhaust pipe after the morning start. Now it is water vapor.
To sum up, I am positively surprised and recommend testing. Regards, Artur /bravo110/


Year of Build: 2004
Engine size: 1.9 dCi
Mileage:220000 km

I used Ceramizer in my car when there was a strong smoke from the pipe and a clear decrease in power. The car went to various \”professionals\”. Everyone spread their hands and said that you have to drive like that because that’s how it should wear out. At some point, the smoke increased so much, and the car left such a large cloud that my wife got out of the car because she was ashamed to drive it 😉 Because I found that the mechanics will not help anything and the engine probably for replacement I decided to use CERAMIZER. I checked the compression only before adding the agent and only in 3 valves because the last candle was so baked that the mechanics were afraid to damage it when unscrewing. Either way, the measurement showed that the pressure was weak and different on each cylinder. After adding the agent, initially the smoke increased, but after 15 minutes it significantly subsided. Since then, through the successive stages of reaching, I noticed less and less smoke. After fully reaching the instructions, I added dru ga dose of CERAMIZER. After another 2500km, the smoke did not disappear 100% but definitely decreased and the dynamics slightly improved. Unfortunately, this did not repair the engine. About 2 months later it was completely regenerated in a professional plant (that’s why I didn’t want to spend money on pressure testing). The damage was so severe that no miraculous agent would help (the last cylinder did not walk). However, I can not say that the measure does not work because in my case it definitely helped. In addition, I intend to systematically add it to the engine every 2-3 oil changes to enjoy the regenerated engine as long as possible. The next attempt will be on the gearbox. I am full of hope that it will work as well as with the engine.
Maciej Bratek
Opinion sent on 07.11.2012

Renault Fuego

Year of Build: 1982
Engine size: 2.0
Opinion: To be honest, I approached the subject of ceramizers with great distance. I was prompted to use it by the opinion of a mechanic who admitted that he uses it in many cars successfully.
I decided to use it because I wanted to see for myself the properties of the preparation, the car I have is not too expensive so in case of the negative impact of ceramizer I would not be sorry for it, but if it actually worked I would use it in other vehicles that I have. The car on which I wanted to test the preparation took oil about 1L / 5000km and kicked a little, it also walked quite loudly. He drove over 200 kkm.
Before applying the preparation, I changed the oil and carried out measurements about 1000km after replacement to eliminate the possible influence of oil on the measurement. The next measurement I carried out after 3000km to my pleasant surprise the pressure increased by about 2 bar and leveled on all cylinders. In addition, after driving 4000km, the oil level on the bayonet decreased to such an extent that I think that I will not have to add it to the next replacement. Of course, it does not kick now and works quieter, it also seems to me that the car has gained in dynamics. In a word, saying something in these ceramizers must be true since my measurements and feelings indicate that the ceramizer significantly refreshed the engine of my car.
Marcel Gajda
Opinion sent on 21.11.2008.

Renault Fuego compression pressure, engine compression

Renault Fuego compression pressure, engine compression

Renault Fuego compression pressure, engine compression

Renault Fuego compression pressure, engine compression

Renault Kangoo Express

Year of Build: 2006
Engine capacity:1461 cm3 – dci
Mileage: 90 000 km

After applying the ceramizer to the engine, there was a reduction in noise especially quieter running the engine after cold ignition, clearly easier to ignite during frosts and its noticeable work is more smooth. In addition, fuel consumption has been reduced by approx. 1 liter / 100km which seems to be almost impossible driving around Poznań the average from refueling to refueling to traffic jam was 5.5 instead of the previous 6.5 l / 100km. I will only add that at the same time I used ceramizer for fuel and assistance system, which has already traveled 274,000 km. The engine has a mileage of 90,000 because it was replaced.
Slawomir Slazak
Opinion sent on 3/12/2012

Renault Laguna (2000)

Welcome. I wanted to express my opinion about ceramizer. To be honest, I was not convinced about this product but I changed my mind firmly after using the miraculous agent which is ceramizer. I have a Renault Lagune 2000 and when buying a car I did not check the oil condition in the engine (I suggested the service book) what as it appeared from it indicated the replacement quite recently (driven 1300 km after replacement). I drove through approx. 3 months almost without oil in the engine. The result was that not much was missing and the engine would have blurred. Renówka barely drove did not have the strength to go there was no compression and in general almost the end of the engine. After applying the ceramizer became a MIRACLE!!!! The car regained what it lost by driving without oil. Compression returned, the power increased significantly the engine became quieter and much more. Just a revelation.
I really recommend this golden mean that works CUDA!!! Best regards

Related to Renault Laguna II 2.0:

I had a Ford Mondeo MK II, in which I undulated engine speed while driving. Replacement of candles, high-voltage wires, coils did not help. After applying Ceramizer, the problem disappeared and never returned.

When I bought another car, I decided to check the compression pressure, although I did not have any problems with the engine. It turned out that I have an uneven pressure, and on one piston lower by 4.5 bar than the highest. After 3000 km of driving on Ceramizer, the pressure equalized. So I know Ceramizer works.

Opinion Ceramizery Renault Laguna 2

Renault Laguna 2.0 (1994)

Car Renault Laguna 2.0 (1994 year) mileage 229.000 km:
– pressure before application
I cylinder 13.8 after applying the preparation and the course of approx. 17.000km 14.1
II cylinder 13.7 after application of the preparation and the course of approx. 17.000km 14.0
III cylinder 13.8 after the application of the preparation and the course of approx. 17.000km 14.2
IV cylinder 13.6 after the application of the preparation and the course of approx. 17.000km 13.9
– the positives of using the preparation are slightly lower oil consumption between changes (taking oil) from 0.7L to 0.5L
– better screwing of the engine to the speed (checked without load)
– decrease in noise level at high engine speeds (rpm range 4000-5500)
– fuel savings (LPG) in the range of 0.3-0.4 L / 100km (route) – the preparation was tested in winter conditions.
– reduction of vibration at 3000 rpm (a common factory defect in Renault F3R engines)
Observation period:
11.2005-04.2006, Tomasz Kobylas

Renault Laguna 1.8 (1996)

Ceramizer for the engine I used in the car Renault Laguna 1.8 1996r with gas installation on 06.10.2005 with a mileage of 148 156 km. Since then, about 12,000 km have been driven and no negative impact on the engine has been found. The application of ceramizer itself was very simple, which was helped by the attached instruction. Very quickly, a positive effect of ceramizer on the operation of the engine was found:
1.engine shutdown
2.more even idling, less vibration
3.less oil consumption
4.o approx. 10% less fuel consumption
5.easier cold start
Ceramizer undoubtedly a very good quality product, effective, cheap and recommendable to all car users. The question of whether ceramizers are effective can only be answered in the affirmative. I greet the manufacturer of Ceramizers and all users of this preparation.

Renault Laguna

Year of Build: 1995
Engine size: 1.8
Mileage: 180 thousand. Miles.

After replacing the solder, the wise mechanic forgot to add about 2 l of oil to the gearbox – the effect after driving about 350 km the gearbox in fifth gear began to “drill”. There was no way out and I added two doses of ceramizer to the chest even though it should not be done to the lagoon due to the construction of the box. Efetk – after driving about 1000 km as if it fell silent slightly and after another few hundred a little more. But it does not go completely silent. Unfortunately, after a month of driving in the holiday season and driving the next few thousand “drilling” came back maybe not so much and yet (maybe due to the construction of the box, 5 there is no lodge only a sleeve). I used Ceramizers earlier for engines, among others in Polonez and Fiat Tempra 1.6 1994, I did not do compression measurements ala differences I noticed in that the engines made less noise and vibrations decreased and in tempra oil consumption fell by about 0.25l per 10000 km.
Wit Kwiatkowski
Opinion sent on:25.09.2012

Renault Laguna

Year of Build:1995
Engine capacity: 2.0 l
Mileage: 320 000 km

Hello, for over a year I have a Lagune station wagon, in which the gears from the beginning enter not precisely to put it mildly, after several diagnoses repair or replacement of the box: / … You live once, so I bought Ceramizer for the chest. After flooding, only after driving over 100 km I began to feel the differences in the precision of entering gears and reducing rattling (synchronizers). I was very happy, because I avoided an expensive renovation. Now, after a mileage of about a thousand kilometers, I find that the gears enter much better (especially in the morning), more precisely, less reluctantly … I recommend it to everyone, because it is really worth applying and seeing that it works. Regards Marcin

Renault Laguna reviewRenault Laguna reviewRenault Laguna review

Renault Laguna

Engine capacity:2188cm

Opinion:Opinion: I used ceramizer for oil in the engine out of pure curiosity. Engine in very good condition before use. After applying the above-mentioned preparation, I noticed that the oil does not turn black. In my estimation, the micro cavities on the rings and cylinder liners were filled with Ceramizer. Probably the pressures equalized. In fact, it is worth using this measure, because it is important during severe frosts before the lubrication process begins and the process of operating the power unit is prolonged.
Andrew Gadomski
Opinion sent on 05.04.2013

Renault Laguna review Renault Laguna review Renault Laguna review Renault Laguna review

Renault Master 2.8 DTI 2000

A bit skeptical attitude to this type of inventions changed after using the ceramizer for the power steering system at the Renault Master 2.8 dti 2000 bus. The work of the system calmed down, the pump stopped making strange sounds. Today, a set no. 3.Do engine and transmission was ordered. Measurements will be taken before. I will write about the effect of action after.
Regards Tomasz Nowakowski
Opinion sent on 14.01.2008

Renault Megane Scenic

I used a set of engine + box + fuel ceramizers ordered on the website for Renault Megane Scenic 1.6 gasoline from 1997. I drove the car for 3 years, I made about 60 thousand. Miles. After applying ceramizers, about half a liter from replacement to replacement (every 15,000 km) was enough to add oil, and before that I needed a liter of oil. Before the use of ceramizers in winter conditions, changing gears was difficult (in particular, 2 entered very hard), and after application the gearbox worked flawlessly. The improvement was strongly felt (during the winter the gears changed slightly). As for the fuel, I did not notice any changes.
Chris Bierski

Renault Megane

Year of Build: 1998
Engine capacity: 1900 Diesel
Mileage: 150000

I applied ceramizer to the gearbox . Damaged synchronizer, difficulty with switching especially to the second gear. All mechanics suggested demolition and repair of the gearbox. After applying the ceramizer according to the instructions and driving 20km, the problem completely disappeared. The box works flawlessly and interestingly even in the worst frosts -25st works as if it was summer without any resistance softly and confidently. Currently, the vehicle has traveled about 800km after flooding the center and there are no problems. I am very satisfied with the use of the preparation and I can recommend it to other users of vehicles with problems with the gearbox. I also applied the preparation to the engine in the Honda Accord car, but I will write about the effects after driving 1500km.
Jacek Parjaszewski
Opinion sent on 2/13/2012

Renault Megane Estate dci Fiesta

Year of manufacture: 2001, 2001.
Engine size: 1900, 1299.
Mileage:220 000 thousand. 186 000 thousand

Three Ceramizers were used for: fuel, power steering, and engine. First of all, Renówka stopped smoking, oil stopped leaking at the power steering, the engine began to work quieter, fuel consumption decreased from 4.9 l to 100km. up to 4.3 l per 100 km diesel fuel. And Ford Fiesta better acceleration quiet engine operation, assistance lighter spinning, reduced fuel consumption from 6.9 to 6.4 per 100 km. Without comment, Ceramizers defend themselves with their results.
Stanislaw Machowski
Opinion sent on: 2013-10-08

Renault Safrane 2.2 (1995)

I have a Renault Safrane 2.2 Si 95r. and did not want to fire after a long stop, the mechanic replaced the fuel pump and it did not help, he wanted to replace the injectors. But I used \”Ceramizer\” – Fuel refiner and it turned out to be a great thing, it cleaned the injectors and fuel lines, now it fires the first time after longer stops. And I was with a few mechanics and they said that only the replacement of injections will help, so that no refiners are added to the fuel because they will not help anything anyway.
Thanks to the Refiner, I saved a lot of money and now I recommend all your products. I am still going to apply Ceramizer to the engine and document the measurements. Thanks a lot.
Rafal Włudzik
Opinion sent on 13.12.2007

Renault Scenic 1.9 D (1998)

Hello! My adventure with Ceramizers took place in August, last year. Intrigued by the results of experiences and positive opinions of users of this preparation, I decided to purchase a preparation for the engine and a fuel refiner. I must admit that I am always a bit skeptical about the novelty, but this time I was very positively surprised.
The Renault Scenic 1.9 D car, 1998, had a mileage of about 160,000 kilometers, every 10,000 km oil change, let’s say that it is a “mid-range” oil. The most interesting thing was that I used the preparation without my father’s knowledge, who also uses the same car. After a month of time, he told me that the engine in the car starts much easier, after firing it works quieter, shakes less, it is often hard to believe that it is an ordinary diesel engine, without turbo and intercooler. And it was already a winter period and temperatures at night even after – 20 degrees Celsius.
The car accelerates much easier, especially in higher gears during overtaking, the increase in engine dynamics within 10% was confirmed after driving a thousand kilometers. The preparation for fuel, also proved to be sensational, I will no longer use other additives to ON. My father asked where I refueled such good fuel! Most importantly, with the same driving style, a reduction in fuel consumption of 6-8% is very easy to achieve.
Currently, the next period of changing the oil in the engine is approaching, my task does not make sense to buy very expensive oils, only better a little cheaper (of course, recommended by the car manufacturer) and the differences to spend on the purchase of ceramizer. We still have a ten-year-old Polonaise Truck 1.6 GLI, powered by LPG, with a mileage of well over 100,000. kilometers, he will certainly be another “patient”.
Best regards
Chris Regulski

Renault Scenic

Engine capacity:1.9DCI

I also used Ceramizer in previous cars: Toyota Corolla, Opel Kadet, VW Transporter, Mazda. In each case, I was pleasantly surprised, because the life of the engine was extended as described, i.e. about 100,000 km. Now in Scenik I tested the fuel consumption. Despite his age of over 12 years and mileage of almost 80000km, he burns an average of 6 liters. Measurement I:Average mileage per 1000km consumption of 59 liters. Measurement II: Average mileage per 1000km (buildings, city + sections up to 30km) consumption of 60 liters. Driving normal, animated, but not sporty. The car has good acceleration. I was going to sell it because I bought an Opel Zafira, but the customer gave up, so I’m very happy and I’m grateful to her, because the prices are ridiculously low and I’m used to always having two cars. The secret is in the correct use of Ceramizer, according to the instructions. Regards: Alexander
Opinion sent on 24/09/2013

Renault Scenic

Engine 2 liters Scenik average gain on the cylinders according to measurements from 3.1 to 3.6 measurement made after 2000 km. Now I have flooded in Opel Astra 1.4 more 500km and we will check the :)))

Renault Scenik

Engine size:1.9dci

The preparation fully met my expectations. I use it already in the second car.
Opinion sent on 11/5/2013

Renault THALIA

Year of Build: 2002
Engine capacity: 1461,00cm
Mileage:128000 km

Opinion:This is my second car in which I use ceramizers. The previous Ford Fiesta car in which I used ceramizers at once served me without an emergency 12 years I sold it to friends who still use it. I bought the current car 6 years ago when it had traveled 60000 km I immediately applied your company’s preparations to all car systems, 3 months ago again when changing the oil I used ceramizer. I do not do any research or measurements because I do not have the conditions for it but because the car works perfectly and especially the engine, no oil losses in the engine using fuel at the level of a new car I think it is due to the use of ceramizers.

Henryk Zbytniewski
Opinion submitted on: 2012-04-30

Renault Thalia

Year of Build: 2002
Engine size: 1.5 TDI
Mileage:145000 kilometers

This is my second car in which I use Ceramizery current car I bought 6 years with a mileage of 60000 km immediately applied the whole set of Ceramizers to all systems, the car being 11 years old works flawlessly. Refueling a month ago to a full 42 liters of oil I drove on this amount of fuel 1100 km and in inches it was not driving on the highway (600 kilometers on the highway). I use a fuel refiner every 10000 km and I last used Cramizer for the gearbox a month ago. It is worth mentioning the history of the previous Ford Fiesta car which I drove for 12 years using Ceramizers in it. I sold the car to my friends. As they bought it about de me 6 years ago all the time using it is only three months ago they realized because the light came on that they drive a car without oil poured into the oil sump the entire amount of oil recommended by the manufacturer, ie in the car maybe there was 2 hundred oil the car works further. This lady brother my friend who mediated in the purchase-sale of Ford fiesta as he found out about it right to his car which had a mileage of about 300 thousand km through me bought two doses of Ceramizer to his car commenting damn something in it must be because otherwise this fiesta trail would hit.
Henryk Zbytniewski
Opinion sent on 2013-07-19

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