Reviews on Ceramizer® car owners Man - preparations for the regeneration of the engine, gearbox and other mechanisms

Reviews on Ceramizer® car owners Man

Man (public transport bus equipped with automatic transmission) diesel engine D0826 LUH 12 EURO 2

Man chimney sweep urban engine overhaul

We used Ceramizer in two Man vehicles (transport bus equipped with automatic transmission) diesel engine D0826 LUH 12 EURO 2
First vehicle Man Nr Tab.70 year of manufacture 1998 mileage 885420 km

Measurement of compression pressure before applying the agent.

1 cylinder – 20.75
2 cylinder – 21.00
3 cylinder – 20.25
4 cylinder – 22.00
5 cylinder – 19.75
6 cylinder – 20.50

Ceramizer used to pour new Mobil Delvac 15 w40 MX oil

Measurement of compression pressure after application of the agent at a mileage of 893 000 km after driving 8000 km.

1 cylinder – 21.25
2 cylinder – 21.25
3 cylinder – 21.25
4 cylinder – 22.75
5 cylinder – 20.50
6 cylinder – 21.00
Man chimney sweep urban engine overhaul
Second vehicle Man No. tab. 81 year of production 2001 mileage 408730 km

Measurement of compression pressure before applying the agent.

1 cylinder – 23.00
2 cylinder – 23.25
3 cylinder – 22.75
4 cylinder – 22.50
5 cylinder – 22.75
6 cylinder – 22.25

Measurement of compression pressure after application of the agent at 412926 km after 4000 km

1 cylinder – 23.25
2 cylinder – 23.25
3 cylinder – 23.00
4 cylinder – 23.25
5 cylinder – 22.75
6 cylinder – 22.55

Man chimney sweep urban engine overhaul

Ceramizer applied to the oil after a mileage of 5000 km


MAN NG 272 (articulated city shuttle bus)

Ceramizer was used in two MAN NG 272 buses for engines in which the oil pressure dropped to 0.2 – 0.3 atm, there were exhaust gas blows to the crankcase, the engines “took oil”
Buses are equipped with engines:
1) with a displacement of 6871cm³, power 184 KW, mileage 803 500 km, capacity. oil sump 25 l,
2) with a displacement of 6871cm³, power 198 KW, mileage 832 450 km, capacity. oil sump 25 l.
Buses adapted to carry a total of 159 people (51 seats and 108 standing). They are equipped with automatic transmissions. Throughout the period operated in public transport with high traffic, in the field with significant climbs up hills under full load. After applying the agent in the amount of 6 containers for each engine, the engines were first silenced, then slowly along with the mileage after about 1500 km the oil pressure increased and remained at the level of 2.5 atm. The engines stopped burning excessively oil, there were no blow-offs in the crankcase. Fuel consumption has also decreased by about 1.5 l / 100km, which confirms the opinions of drivers as if the engines gained more power. Engines, especially in winter, are easier to start.
Both buses have yet passed without the need for engine repairs of about 100,000. Kilometers. I confirm the suitability of the agent to save a worn engine and extend its service life without the need for expensive renovation.

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Siwica Jerzy

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