Ecodriving, i.e. practical principles and techniques of economical driving - preparations for the regeneration of the engine, gearbox and other mechanisms

Ecodriving, i.e. practical principles and techniques of economical driving

Cars have become an inseparable means of transport for most Poles. The average distance covered during the year is about 15,000 km, although there are also drivers covering 30,000 and more kilometers. The biggest cost of operating cars has now become – not parts and repair services – but fuel burning.

Assuming fuel consumption at the level of 7 liters per 100 km and an annual mileage of 15,000 km, the cost we will incur for refueling alone is PLN 5250. The cost of 1 liter of fuel at the level of PLN 5 was assumed for calculation. If at the time of reading this article the price of fuel is higher, the annual costs we will incur for refueling will be even higher.


How to reduce fuel consumption costs?

First of all, it is worth checking whether the level of fuel consumption that we have in our car does not differ from what other users of this vehicle achieve. Portals such as Motostat or Autocentrum come to the rescue here, where we will learn real reports of fuel consumption of other drivers with the same car and the same engine version.

Significant differences in fuel consumption may indicate a technical fault that increases fuel consumption. A faulty thermostat, a malfunctioning lambda sensor, “flowing” fuel injections, a flow meter (MAF), a pressure sensor in the intake system (MAP sensor), a temperature sensor in the bottom are the main suspects when excessive fuel consumption is caused by a technical fault.

If we are sure about the technical condition of the vehicle and want to learn how to reduce fuel consumption, it is worth learning the most practical principles of Eco-driving.


Eco-driving rules will allow you to save and even from PLN 700 to PLN 1400 per year on fuel.

The solution lies in the driving technique and driving style, which are included in the 10 principles of ecodriving. No matter what kind of car you drive, by applying the given rules, you can reduce fuel consumption, saving money. Apply the following tips and technique suggestions and you will notice for yourself how the journey becomes not only more economical, but also comfortable for the driver and passengers.

Ecodriving – 10 practical principles that will reduce fuel consumption

The concept of ecodriving is often mistakenly equated with slower driving. Drivers who cover the same 100-kilometer route, with a different degree of fuel consumption, e.g. 6 and 9 liters, do not have to overcome it at different times. A person who achieved a higher level of fuel consumption could simply have a more dynamic ride, containing numerous sharp braking and accelerations. Economical driving in the edition of ecodriving principles is above all smooth and well thought out. Advice and techniques on how to stick to this are presented later in the article.


ECO-DRIVING RULE 1 – keep the rotation in the right range

Focus on keeping your driving at the engine at revs where the car consumes the least fuel – that is, maintaining an optimal rev range. Most often in the vehicle it is marked on the tachometer with a green color. If you have an on-board computer in the car, the revolutions at which the engine burns the optimal amount of fuel can be easily determined using the economizer or indications of instantaneous fuel consumption. On the road, cruise control is a useful solution to maintain a constant speed and engine speed. Cruise control stabilizes the speed and, consequently, engine speed, at values optimal in terms of fuel consumption, which can help to reduce combustion.


Low revs are the basic principle of eco-driving

The moment of shifting during acceleration for economical driving should be achieved at the latest when 2500 rpm is reached in the petrol engine and 2000 rpm in the diesel engine. When introducing changes in driving style, it is worth carrying out about every 200-300 km calculate fuel consumption and compare how the change in driving style affected fuel consumption


ECO-DRIVING RULE 2 – avoid the so-called “torn” driving

Try to avoid “ripped” driving, which means the use of sudden brakes and accelerations. It is with alternating and violent driving that your car will burn the most fuel. An example illustrating the least effective movement by car are cities. This can be seen especially on two-lane roads, where vehicles from one, equally “jammed” lane, move much faster. These drivers retain a lower speed, but steady, smooth. In turn, the others alternately braking and accelerating driving “bumper to bumper”, increase fuel consumption, while excessive use of brake pads. In addition, such driving also significantly increases the risk of causing a bump or collision.

smooth ride

The basic principle of ecodriving is to avoid “pulling” or sudden braking and acceleration

Maintaining a smooth and sensible ride (preferably at low revs) is essential for low fuel consumption.


ECO-DRIVING RULE 3 – watch what is happening “several cars” in front of you

One of the basic principles of eco-driving is to observe and predict what will happen on the road. And it’s not just about the nearest car, but rather about controlling the situation even 200-300 meters in front of the car.

This will make it easier to predict maneuvers and avoid hard braking or acceleration.

Such observation is extremely effective, e.g. when commuting to lights. Early enough notice of the change of lights to red (e.g. “on the road”), will allow you to “take your foot off the gas” and reach the lights when they change back to green – without having to stop completely and start again. Observation of the road also allows you to see pedestrians heading to the pedestrian crossing early enough and affects not only economical driving but also our safety and the safety of other road users.


ECO-DRIVING RULE 4 – brake with the engine

Many people skip this step when driving a car, but in order to reduce fuel consumption (as well as extend the life of brake pads and discs) should use the so-called. engine braking. The situation in which you can apply such a technique is approaching the lights and the intersection. It is enough when deceleration, help with gear reduction and slow, gradual release of the clutch. Just before stopping the car, we press the clutch completely to avoid turning off the engine. In practice, engine and brake braking with the brake pedal are most often used at the same time.

How does engine braking reduce fuel consumption?

During engine braking , the injectors do not work, so there is no fuel consumption – as when braking with only the brake pedal.

You will appreciate the principle of engine braking when you move on mountainous terrain. It is there that the most “in the bone” get discs, brake pads and brake fluid (which can overheat). Overheating of the braking system can lead to a temporary disappearance of braking, which is very unexpected and dangerous for the driver.

Therefore, even if you are not a supporter of engine braking, learn this technique if only for safety reasons.


ECO-DRIVING RULE 5 – use GPS navigation

Using GPS navigation with information about traffic jams (we recommend free navigation on the Google Maps phone) or communication via CB radio is also a good way to achieve optimal driving and reduce fuel consumption. A shortcut, a detour can not only save fuel but also a lot of time if you bypass the traffic jam.

traffic jam

One of the basic principles of eco-driving is to avoid traffic jams. With the help of free navigation on the phone such as Google Maps that lead us so as to avoid traffic jams.


ECO-DRIVING RULE 6 – do not warm up the engine at a standstill

Be sure not to warm up the engine while being at a standstill. In accordance with economical driving and eco-driving, the engine should be started just before the exit, so that heating occurs while driving. This is justified for two reasons. First of all, a “cold” engine consumes much more fuel than a heated one. Secondly, the engine heats up much faster while driving than when stationary, and a heated engine is an engine that consumes the optimal (smaller) amount of fuel.

The optimal solution during frosts is to wait 1-2 minutes after starting the engine and set off on the road, while maintaining a gentle ride during the first kilometers. In positive temperature conditions, you can hit the road as soon as the engine starts.


ECO-DRIVING RULE 7 – do not press the “gas” pedal into the floor if the situation does not require it.

You may not have paid attention to it often, but with many situations on the road, you do not have to “push” the gas pedal all the way to the floor. Often the situation does not require it at all – for example, when you overtake a car and there is no movement from the opposite direction. There is practically no difference in the acceleration of the car between the depressed gas pedal in 3/4 and 4/4, and therefore to the maximum extent. Pressing the gas pedal to the so-called “breaths”, has its impact on increased fuel consumption, and this is what we would like to avoid the most.


ECO-DRIVING RULE 8 -control tire pressure

Check tire pressure once every 2-3 months.

Why is it so important?

Understated tire pressure significantly impairs safety – it extends the braking distance and reduces grip. Most importantly from the point of view of saving fuel, in road tests , a decrease in tire pressure from 2.2 to 1.6 bar increased fuel consumption by 4% and reduced tire life by 30%.

tyre pressure control

ECO-DRIVING RULE 9 – pay attention to the air conditioning that affects fuel consumption

Enabled air conditioning in summer, in urban conditions, increases fuel consumption from ~ 0.5 to even 1.5 liters per 100 km.

Air conditioning is the convenience and comfort of traveling by car. Probably most readers will think that giving up air conditioning is stupid. Right, but this is not about giving up use, but about conscious use of air conditioning. For example, in the hot summer, park in the shade firstly, not to get into the “burning” interior of the car, and secondly, so that the air conditioning does not have to use more energy (fuel) to cool the interior than necessary. On the other hand, during cool evenings, it may be enough to use a ventilation (without the use of air conditioning).


ECO-DRIVING RULE 10 – use the right fuel additives

There are effective and tested fuel additives, gasoline/diesel additives that clean the fuel system, and especially the most critical element of the system – fuel injectors. Dirty injectors “pour” fuel and can increase fuel consumption by up to 20%.

Injections No. 2,3,4,6 are heavily contaminated and “pour” fuel. Only injection No. 5 is 100% open and efficient. To clean the injections, use effective fuel additives every 10,000 km.

To clean the injectors and ensure their full patency, it is worth using Ceramizer fuel additives every 10,000 km. These preparations have been repeatedly tested in the field of cleaning the fuel system.


fuel additive

By using fuel additives, we will avoid the need to replace / regenerate injectors which in the case of some engines (e.g. Renault 1.5 dci engines) can qualify for replacement after 150,000 km. The cost of such a replacement is PLN 3,000-4,000, while the cost of the Ceramizer fuel additive is only PLN 17. DYears ago, it is worth thinking prophylactically and saving unnecessarily spent money, protecting your vehicle from wear.


Knowledge of the principles of ecodriving, and additives for gasoline / diesel

A book-driving graduate of an eco-driving course can reduce fuel consumption by up to 25 percent. The average result, however, is approx. 10 percent, which means that by following the directions for a year, we have fuel for almost a whole month for free.

Along with preparing the vehicle for the trip and mastering the principles of economical driving, it is still worth protecting yourself by buying
an additive for gasoline and diesel – for cleaning injections
. This action can significantly translate into reduced fuel consumption as a result of cleaning the injectors from sediment that causes “pouring injectors” and excessive fuel consumption. Gasoline and diesel additives cleaning the fuel system, such as Ceramizer CP, will support fuel combustion, reducing fuel consumption and reducing the emission of harmful substances by up to 50%.

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