A reliable method for calculating the fuel consumption in a car - preparations for the regeneration of the engine, gearbox and other mechanisms

A reliable method for calculating the fuel consumption in a car

calculation of fuel combustion

Calculation of fuel consumption

Fuel is by far the most expensive operating fluid, so it is worth constantly controlling its consumption. This will benefit not only our wallet, but also the environment. If you are wondering how to calculate the burned car, below we present two simple ways.

The first way is to reset the odometer at the moment when a reserve appears on the dashboard. Then, at a nearby station, refuel the right amount of fuel and hit the road. When the reserve light comes on again, check how many kilometers you have traveled since the last refueling. Divide the number of fuel litres refuelled by the number of kilometres driven and multiply by 100.

The second way is definitely more accurate. As before, we start, of course, by refueling the car to full. We reset the periodic odometer and go on the road. When the reserve lights up again, we refuel the car to full, record the number of kilometers driven from the odometer and the amount of fuel refueled. Then we divide the amount of fuel by the number of kilometers traveled and multiply the result by 100.

If you already know how to calculate fuel consumption per 100 kilometers, it is worth looking at the result obtained and see if the result is satisfactory.


What if my car burns too much fuel?

It should be remembered that often a malfunctioning car is responsible for too much fuel burned. The most common causes of too much fuel burning include incorrect operation of the braking system, poorly set convergence and geometry or too strong tightening of wheel bearings, dirty air filter, damaged thermostat, malfunctioning ignition system, leaking exhaust system, protruding body elements or excessive wear of rubbing elements. As you can see, there can be many reasons, but the effect is always the same. If checking and repairing all the listed elements does not bring results, it is worth looking at the work of our engine.

Engine operation and fuel additives

The engine is the part of the car on which fuel consumption largely depends. If we notice that we are at the gas station more and more often, it is worth checking whether our engine is fully operational. A great and at the same time very cheap solution is to invest in the Ceramizer CP gasoline additive, which will improve the working culture of our engine and, consequently, will reduce fuel consumption. If you are wondering what additive to gasoline or diesel fuel to use, it is best to opt for a product that will favorably affect the condition of the mechanisms.

A properly selected fuel additive is an investment that will pay off in a short time. It is worth remembering that the cost of engine overhaul ranges from 1500 to 5000 PLN, and thanks to the use of appropriate fluids, you can easily minimize the likelihood of such an expense. You do not have to immediately invest in a few additives, just one, high-quality. Concentrated Ceramizer CP liquid will work both as an addition to unleaded gasoline, as well as Diesel or even hybrid.

measurement of fuel combustion

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