Reviews on Ceramizer® car owners Daewoo - preparations for the regeneration of the engine, gearbox and other mechanisms

Reviews on Ceramizer® car owners Daewoo

Daewoo Lanos

Hello, I bought a set of ceramizers from you: engine – 1 pc, gearbox – 1 pc for use in your own Daewoo Lanos car with a mileage of 95 thousand. Kilometers. I was prompted to buy: advertising (somewhere, I don’t even know where), positive opinions on the Lanos Internet Forum, and a small “howl” of the gearbox in the range of 60 – 65 km / h (probably some bearing or differential). By the way, as a preventive measure to the ordered ceramizer gearbox I added ceramizer to the engine. I applied the above mentioned in March 2006 and from that moment I drove about 3 thousand. Kilometers. I did not feel any negative effects, on the contrary – the transmission stopped “howling”, although I never had problems with changing gears – so nothing changed here. As for the engine, it is clearly quieter at slow speeds, and by lighting up the cold engine (I applied the preparation when there were frosts, and winter lasted for a long time) you can not hear so characteristic for cold unmarried engines buzzing or crunch (experienced drivers know what is going on – this fraction of a second after switching on the starter) and immediately the engine has the right revolutions and “walks nicely”.
Best regards
Jaroslaw Ginal

Daewoo Lanos

Year of build: 1990 Engine: 1,5 l
Mileage: 286 000 km

I applied Ceramizer to the engine after driving 110 thousand. Miles. Sounds of pushers (glasses) after driving about 1.5 thousand. have subsided. So far, I have driven 286 thousand. Miles. The vehicle is not driven by one person.
Slawomir O.
Opinion sent on: 17.09.2010
[Daewoo Lanos loud working glass pushers, noisy lanos pusher glasses]

Daewoo Matiz

After driving about 6000 thousand km I can write after cooling down that: the car stopped walking loudly and compared to other 7-year-old matizami is an oasis of silence probably thanks to ceramizer. In addition, I think that on the road the car burns less but I did not count it exactly, in the city unfortunately it chochls like a dragon, but this is not due to ceramizer but Korean technology. In addition, it is more dynamic in higher gears, which allows you to drive without a large number of gear reductions. The engine temperature dropped (hmm in the winter it was thin I drove 7 km to work, getting out just felt the heat coming from the vents) but in the summer it will probably be a big advantage not of the engine technology but the ceramizer. After thinking about it, I find that it is worth using the preparation although the vibrations of the vehicle have increased slightly, although they do not bother me and probably the engine.
Once again I recommend Piotr Sadowski

Daewoo Matiz

Engine size:0,8
Mileage: 211 000 km

The first time I used Ceramizer a few years back and now after a course of 200 thousand I used the second time. The engine works the same as it was new, the combustion is as the standard, from time to time I check on a long route.
Andrew Nowicki
Opinion sent on 11/11/2013

Daewoo Nexia

Hello, as a former owner of the tested Nexi at your PIM-ocie, I wanted to describe further impressions of using the car. The behavior of the car after adding the agent (mileage of about 186 thousand) are described on your website. I sold the car with a mileage of 260,000 km. At the same time, I applied Ceramizer to the gearbox. Returning to the engine at a later stage, he did not take oil AT ALL. He worked quietly and accelerated well. I did not add any other means after using Ceramizer. The car was operated further on a semi-synthetic and oil changes were made every 8-9 thousand km. The compression of the engine at 230,000 km was almost identical to that of the Ceramizer at 190,000 km. Unfortunately, he does not have a printout (this was done at a friend’s during the working hours of the service). The car continues to serve the next owner without a problem. All the time operated on gas and makes a month about 4000-5000 km. A day, the car drove 2-5 hours, sometimes without turning off the engine. When processing with the preparation, I used a misunderstood more thorough than recommended 🙂 Well, the first 1000-1200 km I did not exceed 2800 revolutions. Perhaps this resulted in better achievements of the preparation.

As for the gearbox : – did not enter too much 2 and 3 gear. After pouring the preparation (2 doses) and following the recommendations – the runs began to enter gently after driving about 200-300 km, then it became perfect after 1000-1200 km. Before adding the preparation, I changed the oil in the box without adding any other preparations. I must admit that at 230,000 km I changed the clutch, but apart from the more flexible clutch pedal, I did not observe any improvement in 🙂 Conclusion that Ceramizer helped. The drained oil from the box turned out to be relatively fresh and clean. As I later found out, the previous owner also changed it. The possibility of the influence of new oil is eliminated here. I applied Ceramizer to the box at a mileage of about 195 thousand km.

I currently own a Kia Sportage, I applied a double dose of Ceramizer to the engine. After 500 km, you can feel a clearly better engine culture. For now, I drove about 3000 km after adding the preparation to fresh oil. I will be watching and keeping you updated. In the gearbox, unfortunately, I get the 2nd and 3rd gear badly. I have already changed the oil and I am going to add Ceramizer as well.
Regards Mariusz
The Nexi test is described in the section: Tests (click)
Date of receipt of additional opinion – 18.03.2006

Daewoo Nexia 1.5 with gas (1997)

A car with a mileage of 240,000 km (a friend’s car).
Ceramizer used : for fuel.
The reason: in connection with the extrusion of the car on gas and the rare refueling of gasoline, there was a kind of choking while driving (on gasoline). After refueling to full pb95 and applying the refiner, it was unchanged. Only after driving about 300 km on the tank the problem stopped and does not return.
Mariusz G.

Daewoo Nubira (1999)

Year of Build: 1999
Mileage: 120 000 km
The car has a gasoline and gas drive. I noticed increased oil and fuel consumption, and at high speed engine sounds, which the mechanic classified as shell wear. After applying the ceramizer, the engine was calmed down – I went to the mechanic and after the review he said that I can safely do 60 thousand. Miles. The mechanic did not know about the previous problems, so the conclusion is obvious that the ceramizer restored the proper operation of the engine. There was also a decrease in oil consumption, and this is noticeable. The consumption of gaseous fuel is at the same level and it is difficult to make an assessment in the absence of certainty for reliable measurement of distributors. I am very satisfied with the use of ceramizer and the improvement achieved in the operation of the engine.
Wiesław Betlej from Racibórz

Daewoo Nubira (1999)

Year of Build: 2000
Engine size: 2000
Mileage: 213 000 km

At the beginning I was skeptical about this preparation, probably like everyone.
I used ceramizer for the power steering system, I do not know how it works but my surprise was huge. Before use, knocks could be heard when moving the steering wheel left and right quickly. This is due to the formation of a sprocket and a cooperating element that changes the rotational movement of the sprocket into a sliding movement that is transmitted to the wheel switches. You can not imagine what my surprise was when after some time (I did not look at the mileage) the knocks disappeared. I avoided replacing the crossover, and disassembling this element is not easy.
Peter Elijah
Opinion sent on 7/10/2013

Daewoo Lanos

Year of Build: 2001
Engine capacity: 1.4 (gas)
Mileage: 137 000 km

Opinion: I added Ceramizer to the engine for the second time – the effect is amazing! The car burns over 1 liter of gas less (on the route from the mountains + highway 150 / h = 7.6 gas measured over a distance of 550km without adding gas). Already at the first addition of Ceramizer, the engine worked noticeably quieter! A friend drove my car and saw the earlier combustion and after the Ceramizer application along with similar routes and did not believe at the LPG station because the combustion was 7.5 liters (on the highway 180km and driving around Warsaw 20km. I have now convinced three colleagues of your engine product. I am also testing Ceramizer in the Mercedes wife of the A-180 class (W169) 2.0 liters, diesel – we will see after adding the second dose of Ceramizer. Also this year I added Ceramizer to gasoline and oil – expects positive effects. RECOMMEND.
Hieronim Powązka
Opinion sent on 12.02.2013

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