Reviews on Ceramizer® – Negative - preparations for the regeneration of the engine, gearbox and other mechanisms

Reviews on Ceramizer® – Negative

Ceramizers are proven preparations, repeatedly tested, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by 250 pages of positive opinions.

Below we publish and refer also to a few negative feedback we have received.

I have never used Ceramizers. But I know the stories of my friends, where they just used similar specifics and had negative opinions.

Are you sure your friends used the original Ceramizer? Under the term “they used similar specifics” can hide many products. There are several dozen different products on sale, commonly called “Ceramizers”, which have nothing to do with the original Ceramizer. Often these are ordinary oil thickeners or products imitating Ceramizers – with a similar-sounding name that is supposed to deliberately mislead the user and after the use of which users most often have negative opinions.

It is common to call the whole category of products / additives for oil – Ceramizers, which is not beneficial for us, because most of these additives have nothing to do with ceramization and the creation of a regenerative and protective layer. Many products available on the market operate on the principle of oil thickening, which is temporary, temporary and at the same time dangerous for the engine because by thickening the oil we worsen its lubricating properties.

Ceramizer is a product that has an expert opinion confirming that the product does not thicken and does not change the rheological parameters of the oil. Download the document: Ceramizer_itwl. It is a product that creates a durable metal-ceramic regenerative-protective coating on the friction surfaces, which remains on the friction surfaces also after oil change (it is durable for ~ 70,000 km).

We guarantee that the original Ceramizers (available on the will not damage the engine or other mechanism to which they are used. In more than 15 years and several million cars in which Ceramizer was used, there was no case of damage to the engine or other mechanism by Ceramizer. The use of Ceramizers is completely safe, which is confirmed by numerous independent tests and user reviews (over 250 pages). Ceramizer is not an oil thickener, one concentrated dose of Ceramizer is only 4 grams. Ceramizers® do not contain Teflon, lead, molybdenum or any substances harmful to the engine.

We recommend using only the original Ceramizer product available on or in the retail network.

I used ceramizers to avoid overhauling the engine. I will say only that a year after pouring Ceramizer not enough that the car took oil as it took before adding, I was still forced to overhaul the engine because the engine was literally dying. I did the renovation due to a significant loss of oil, which, as it turned out after dismantling the engine, was caused by worn and baked rings. Also Ceramizer has disadvantages and I leave a negative opinion.

The opinion shows that Ceramizer was used as a last resort for an extremely worn engine, the main reason for taking which were baked piston rings.

The very problem of sealed piston rings is that they are immobilized in a certain position in the piston grooves – losing their elasticity, clamping force and cylinder-piston friction pair sealing function. Baked rings are often found in engines that have been overheated or where oil has not been changed on time (we recommend changing every 10,000 km).

The problem/failure of sealed piston rings is most often preceded by significant oil intake (above 1 l per 1000 km) and gradual deposition of carbon deposits in the piston grooves – which is a common phenomenon when taking oil above the limit. This carbon deposit, combined with the high temperature, tends to bake the piston rings in the piston grooves and immobilize them in a fixed position.

In this case, Ceramizer will not help – there is no way to regenerate the piston rings, because they have been “blocked” and do not properly adhere to the cylinder walls – there is no proper friction in this place. Yes, there are cases in which after using Ceramizer, the baked piston rings have unlocked, but Ceramizer is not a preparation that was created to unlock piston rings. Therefore, the remarks about the lack of effectiveness of Ceramizers in your case and the fact that “Ceramizer has defects” are not accurately addressed – in the case of sealed piston rings, the intervention of a mechanic and replacement of piston rings is most often required, including cleaning the piston grooves from carbon deposits.

Ceramizers should be used in cases where the cause of oil taking is moderate wear of the piston rings and not their sealing or breakage.

I, after using Ceramizer in a gasoline engine – the original mileage of 190 thousand km, did not notice a reduction in oil consumption. I drove after the application about 9 thousand kilometers, but as I poured 100 ml on 1000 km of oil so continue to pour:)

Oil consumption of 100 ml per 1000 km is a relatively low consumption. The indicated level of wear is often considered by car manufacturers as the norm for an engine in very good condition. There are engine constructions that do not take oil from replacement to replacement, and there are those that, due to their construction – e.g. too loosely fitted piston rings in the case of Fiat Diesel 1.3 MultiJet / CDTi and gasoline 1.4 FIRE engines, can from exchange to exchange (10,000 km) “take” up to 1 liter of oil. And we are talking about a new car that has just “left the salon”.

Assuming, however, that the design of a given engine does not have factory errors and the practice of other owners of a car with the same engine confirms that a given engine in its nominal condition does not take oil, one can distinguish the 2 most common causes of oil intake:

A) Wear of piston rings/cylindrical smooths

B) Wear of rubber valve sealants

Whether the cause of oil consumption is piston rings or valve sealants can be verified by measuring the compression pressure. Underestimated compression pressure measurement results indicate wear of the piston rings/cylindrical smoothing. On the other hand, correct compression pressure results (with little oil intake) may indicate wear on valve seals. They are often responsible for a relatively low oil consumption of 0.1-0.2 l per 1000 km.

Ceramizer helps to reduce oil consumption when using piston rings/cylindrical smoothers. These are metal surfaces that Ceramizer is able to rebuild. However, in the case of worn valve sealants, we are dealing with rubber sealants, which most often over the years lose their elasticity / harden and thus lose their sealing properties. Because Ceramizer does not regenerate rubber – it will not help in the case of worn valve sealants.

Before using Ceramizers, it is always worth measuring the compression pressure – to assess the condition of the piston rings / cylindrical smooths and to assess the effectiveness of Ceramizers in the regeneration of these surfaces.

Ceramizer is a myth, I have a polo with a 1.4l engine, 8 valve mileage 240 thousand. km, behind the western border it was probably 400,000 km but it rejuvenated as the engine crossed the borders. He takes about 1.5 l of oil per 1000 km and knocks loudly probably the pin. I was tempted and used Ceramizer but the experiment failed, so you can say that Ceramizer has flaws. It is better not to pour any miraculous specifics just to do the renovation and that’s it.

Your description indicates far-reaching wear of the engine, especially piston rings and connecting rod pins. A cracked piston ring cannot be ruled out either – which may be indicated by taking oil at the level of 1.5 l per 1000 km. In the case of such far-reaching engine degradation, the use of Ceramizer will not help – the preparation does not rebuild such a high consumption of friction surfaces. In this case, the intervention of a mechanic and overhaul of the engine is indispensable.

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