Is there a cheaper and faster alternative to engine overhaul? - preparations for the regeneration of the engine, gearbox and other mechanisms

Is there a cheaper and faster alternative to engine overhaul?

How to care for the engine? The most common causes of wear

The engine is the most important power unit of any car. Therefore, it is worth taking care of its well-being in order to avoid the costs of replacement or renovation in the future. To do this, all you have to do is remember what uses it most often.

One of the most common mistakes made by both young and more experienced drivers is overloading an unheated engine (the so-called cold start) or overloading it too much at low revs. Lubrication may then disappear, i.e. a periodic break in the oil supply. The driving style itself can also be at fault – first of all, you should avoid torn, uneven driving and, if possible, brake the engine.

It is also worth remembering that regular replacement of all kinds of operating fluids is the key to the longevity of our engine. Engine oil loses its properties after driving from 10 to 25 thousand. km – then the friction increases and the operating temperature of the components increases. Thus, their faster wear and tear occurs. Also disadvantageous is the situation in which too much oil in the engine can cause, for example, damage to the crankshaft sealants and can lead to various types of other oil leaks from the engine.

In the case of operating fluids, it is also worth remembering to control the amount of coolants that protect engine components from overheating. The consequence of maintaining too high a temperature may be overheating of the engine and, as a consequence, e.g. sealing of piston rings or cracking of the head.

engine overhaul

The engine takes the oil – the cost of repair?

Many motorists often complain that their engine takes oil. However, before you start checking how much it costs to repair the engine, it is worth first making a preliminary inspection. Each engine consumes oil to a greater or lesser extent. Remember, however, that increased consumption is the domain of sports cars, which have the so-called. loose motors. Due to their design, they can be operated without the pre-lapping that is required in passenger cars with a cramped engine. Fitting the engine parts has an impact on wear – so if your car has a tight engine that takes oil, you may feel anxious.

It is safe to take 50 ml of oil per 1000 km, or 0.5 liters per 10,000 km. If the engine significantly exceeds this figure, it is worth making a self-diagnosis.

At the beginning it is necessary to check the color of the exhaust gases that come out of the exhaust pipe. If they have a bluish-gray color, then it is worth measuring the compression pressure with a pressure gauge screwed into the cylinder bore. This will allow you to determine whether any of the piston rings have not been baked or any of the cylinders are excessively worn – which often becomes the cause of increased oil consumption.

If the results are not satisfactory, you can carry out the so-called. a small overhaul of the engine, which consists in replacing the piston rings and grinding or replacing the cylinders. Another, much cheaper solution is to invest in an additive to Ceramizer engine oil, which by creating a ceramic-metal layer eliminates the harmful friction of metal against metal in the engine and regenerates the rubbing mechanisms.

Engine overhaul – price. Can this be avoided?

A complete overhaul of the engine costs about 1500-5000 PLN. Therefore, it is worth checking first whether a much cheaper engine regeneration is possible.

Often, tapping and grinding the engine means too much clearance on the valves of the timing system. This is called. valve knock. If the sound persists despite the increase in the temperature of the coolant, and at the same time the engine oil level is normal, the valves should be adjusted using a feeler gauge. Correctly setting the valve clearances and warming up the engine should make the problem disappear.

For newer engines, all kinds of clearances are erased with hydraulic valve tappets. This is a much more accurate and theoretically more durable solution. However, sometimes, due to used engine oil and oil filters, it turns out to be insufficient. In case of problems with the operation of the hydraulic system, we should hear the characteristic, metallic tapping coming from the upper part of the engine.

If your car has hydraulic valve tappets, then special attention should be paid to regular oil changes. Otherwise, contaminated/used oil can clog the hydraulic tappet holes. To avoid overhauling the engine, Ceramizer can then be used, which will clean the pusher ducts, restoring their efficiency and reducing noise.

engine overhaul

Engine overhaul – labor cost

If, after a visual inspection, you are still convinced that the repair of the engine i absolutely necessary, then another important decision should be made. In this case, you have two choices.

  1. You can decide to do the renovation yourself – remember that overhauling the engine is a huge undertaking. Although it may seem much cheaper, it requires a huge amount of specialized equipment, knowledge and time. Your car can be out of order for up to a few weeks, and the renovation can cause many problems.
  2. You can order the renovation to a specialist – by employing a mechanic, we agree to additional costs related to labor, but we are sure that the renovation will be carried out quickly and accurately. Employing a mechanic or service ensures that all parts necessary during the engine overhaul will be properly selected and fixed.

What is the engine overhaul?

It all depends on the faults you are dealing with. An example of an element that is subject to replacement are piston rings. Their leakage causes a significant decrease in compression, which translates into a loss of power and efficiency of the engine and an increase in oil consumption. Through this leak, the oil from the walls of the cylinder is inaccurately scraped, which causes it to burn. Another element of the renovation is the honing of cylinders. It is such a polishing of the cylinder surfaces that will result in a suitable surface for better cooperation between the rings and cylinder liners. If the dimensions of the cylinders are not correct, then they are shunted and oversized pistons are used.

If you notice signs of abrasive arising from characteristic tapping, you may need to replace the service shells, connecting rod shells and camshaft bearings. Often, the crankshaft pins are also ground to a repair size. When unscrewing the engine, it is often necessary to replace valve sealants, V-belts, coolant pump, timing belt, candles, oil, gaskets, camshaft seals and crankshaft sealants. In specialized salons, “head grinding” is also carried out, i.e. obtaining by mechanical processing a perfectly flat contact surface of the head with the engine block.

engine overhaul


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